Saturday, 13 June 2015

So You Think Conspiracies Don't Exist?

I get called a Conspiracy Theorist quite a bit. People will ask me if I have my tin foil hats and other such nonsense. They do this because it is easier than checking out citations and such that I point them to when I pass along information about Conspiracies that have been exposed. I look at information to see if it seems valid and logical before I pass along this information. I do this after doing a lot of reading and checking of citations. I personally do not have time for Conspiracy Theories that can not back up their claims without Primary Documentation.
However, this little piece I am writing to you all know is to get you to think about a simple little fact. This is something that some of you do not have to research as some of you most likely watch Reality Television shows like Survivor or Big Brother. My question to all reading this is If people on television shows such as Big Brother or Survivor will conspire for a mere chance at winning Million or 500 Thousand dollars then how is it so impossible to believe that Bankers, Politicians, and Captains of Industry would conspire to make Billions and Trillions of dollars?
I find it quite laughable and sad that people think that politicians, bankers, and CEO are above conspiring with each other to dupe the public out of their material wealth. It is idiotic to think that these people are above such actions. Yes I said idiotic and for the reason that there have been so many conspiracies that have been exposed after the fact that have involved Politicians, Royal Families, Religious Leaders, Bankers, and Business People. So the next time you have the ignorant nerve to pass someone off as a mere Conspiracy Theorist just think to yourself Big Brother and Survivor 500k prize 1Million prize and remember that many of those who Conspiracy “Theorists” are trying to expose are playing for a lot more money and other types of wealth.

First Published on Bubblews on August 26 2014

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