Saturday, 13 June 2015

Are You Participating in The Revolution or Are You Helping to Maintain Cultural Homeostasis?

I see all these people on the different social network sites, I belong to, passing along memes, links, quotes, and other things that are calling for changes. At least on a surface level these things folks are passing along seem as such. People it seems are dissatisfied with current governmental, religious, and financial models. They are looking for answers and plans to create something new and better. Unfortunately the general lack of clear thinking (the new name for critical thinking since the word critical has been demonized), poor understanding of history, and inability or unwillingness to verify the information presented to them has most of these well meaning people not being a part of a revolutionary force in the world. They are instead being duped into maintaining a homeostasis for the power elite.

I do not blame these folks for trying to affect changes by their actions because I understand the intense amount of social conditioning that we are all under. The majority of people in the world basically want the same thing however they are divided by imaginary lines that have been created to control them that are based upon their personality types. Massive amounts of money have been put into the research to find what these personality types are and how to control them. Such groups as The Tavistock Institutes's and The Social Research Institutes's research and findings are cited as proof of these claims. You will be able to find plenty of information on this research easily if you so choose.
If you do choose to look into the research of such groups it should become more apparent to you why and how you are actually help to maintain control of the very institution you have thought you were fighting against. Be you a Liberal or Conservative, a Libertarian or a Green Activist, and so on you can bet your life on the fact that all of these ideological groups have been compromised by those seeking to either profit from them or usurp their leadership for use for their own political, religious, or financial purposes.
How can you avoid falling into this trap?
Simple have as you goal to always look for the truth even if it means admitting that you have been wrong in the past. Check facts ceaselessly on information you acquire. Remember knowledge in only power if it is the correct knowledge. Become your own saviour. Destroy your heroes. Remember if it hurts you it most likely hurts the collective. So don't fall for collectivist dogmas that actually help someone else's hidden agenda instead of you or the collective. Be polite while protecting yourself in your dealings with others. No reason to be a jerk until a person or group shows they do not deserve respect.

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