Thursday, 19 November 2015

Mark Gordon Brown - Drinking V Sale: R50 Off Your First Purchase!

Mark Gordon Brown - Drinking Visions on sale now. With's Music store, all first time purchases receive R50 off. Plus get free delivery



Caustic Blood - Dreams of America 專輯 - KKBOX

線上收聽Caustic Blood的「Dreams of America」專輯,收錄「The Principles」、「II」、「The Glory」......等熱門歌曲。

Chebar - EP (2015) | Another Tuesday Dream | High Quality Music Downloads | 7digital United Kingdom

Preview, buy and download high-quality music downloads of Chebar - EP by Another Tuesday Dream from 7digital United Kingdom - We have over 30 million high quality tracks in our store.

Dream Time Time Dream now on Spotify

Listen to or purchase Dream Time Time Dream by composer Mark Gordon Brown is now on Spotify

Spotify Web Player - Waking On the Wrong Side of Consiousness (Sic) - Mark Gordon Brown

Waking On the Wrong Side of Consiousness (Sic) is a track dealing with perceptive reality.

Dream Time Time Dream now on Spotify

Listen to or purchase Dream Time Time Dream by composer Mark Gordon Brown is now on Spotify

Spotify Web Player - Waking On the Wrong Side of Consiousness (Sic) - Mark Gordon Brown

Waking On the Wrong Side of Consiousness (Sic) is a track dealing with perceptive reality.

Dream Time Time Dream now on Spotify

Listen to or purchase Dream Time Time Dream by composer Mark Gordon Brown is now on Spotify

Spotify Web Player - Waking On the Wrong Side of Consiousness (Sic) - Mark Gordon Brown

Waking On the Wrong Side of Consiousness (Sic) is a track dealing with perceptive reality.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

I recently finished reading Joseph Atwill's Shakespeare's Secret Messiah, the second and most recent book in the Caesar's Messiah Trilogy. I would recommend reading Caesar's Messiah before reading this volume. In Caesar's Messiah Atwill introduced modern readers to the ancient writing style known as Typology and gave a convincing case that Titus Flavius with the help of writer's like the “Historian” Josephus duped the Jewish Messianic movement, and peasants of the Roman empire, into worshipping Titus Flavius as the Son of God,ie their fictional creation of Jesus Christ, with the smoke and mirrors of a cruel joke afforded by the typological writing style used in ancient Judaism.
In Shakespeare's Secret Messiah Atwill attempts to prove that the work of Shakespeare were actually the Jewish response to this centuries old intellectual cold war. In doing so Atwill proposes that Shakespeare's real identity was the Crypto-Jew Emilia Bassano, who was the lover of Baron Hundson, and in all probability also the lover of Christopher Marlowe. Atwill goes step by step through a number of plays starting with Titus Andronicus with explanations that finally make sense of these cryptic works given this ancient cold war between the Jewish and Western world.
The middle part of the books shows how Domitian with the help of Seneca, and the writers of the Pauline Letters, Revelations, and The Gospel of John, placed his mark on this bizarre war of puns and mental manipulation. Atwill finally breaks the code and shows us who the Anti-Christ was and sheds light of the mystery of The Mark of The Beast. In addition to creating Christianity to subvert the Jewish Messianic Movement and as control of the peasantry Atwill also claims that Rabbinical Judaism was created by the Flavians and the latter part of the book deals with that.
Also I will mention that an independent third party, Jerry Russell PH.D opens this volume with a point by point addressing of the so-called debunkers of Atwill's work.
Having grown up in a church going household and also having read the works of Shakespeare from an early age reading this work came easy and Atwill's points were all too apparent as I progressed through the work. I was sort of lost at the end when he began to enter into the topic of Rabbinical Judaism citing works in The Talmud which I less familiarity with. I can hardly wait for the final book in the trilogy to be released.

So You Think Conspiracies Don't Exist?

I get called a Conspiracy Theorist quite a bit. People will ask me if I have my tin foil hats and other such nonsense. They do this because it is easier than checking out citations and such that I point them to when I pass along information about Conspiracies that have been exposed. I look at information to see if it seems valid and logical before I pass along this information. I do this after doing a lot of reading and checking of citations. I personally do not have time for Conspiracy Theories that can not back up their claims without Primary Documentation.
However, this little piece I am writing to you all know is to get you to think about a simple little fact. This is something that some of you do not have to research as some of you most likely watch Reality Television shows like Survivor or Big Brother. My question to all reading this is If people on television shows such as Big Brother or Survivor will conspire for a mere chance at winning Million or 500 Thousand dollars then how is it so impossible to believe that Bankers, Politicians, and Captains of Industry would conspire to make Billions and Trillions of dollars?
I find it quite laughable and sad that people think that politicians, bankers, and CEO are above conspiring with each other to dupe the public out of their material wealth. It is idiotic to think that these people are above such actions. Yes I said idiotic and for the reason that there have been so many conspiracies that have been exposed after the fact that have involved Politicians, Royal Families, Religious Leaders, Bankers, and Business People. So the next time you have the ignorant nerve to pass someone off as a mere Conspiracy Theorist just think to yourself Big Brother and Survivor 500k prize 1Million prize and remember that many of those who Conspiracy “Theorists” are trying to expose are playing for a lot more money and other types of wealth.

First Published on Bubblews on August 26 2014

Appeal To The Authority of Your Own Perceived Intelligence Fallacy

This particular fallacy is one that people use on themselves and attempt to use on others, albeit usually unsuccessfully. This is a sort of Ad Verecudiam Fallacy mixed with The Neglected Aspect Fallacy with shades of other fallacies mixed in here and there. Basically what happens is a person assumes, because they are an intelligent person or because they are a person who believes in logic, that anything they believe about a subject or issue is logical. Therefore they believe that they do not have to apply any sort of logical litmus test further than their own beliefs.

 This usually remains simply a matter of self deception unless the person can convince others that their perceived intelligence thumps that of others. This is not the same as a person who is withholding information from others to manipulate them. This is simply a person who believes in their own intelligence so much that they make up their mind on a subject or issue with out all of the knowledge in place and avoid or overlook the laws of logic to protect their precious opinion.

 How can you deal with such a person in debate? Usually you can't. Usually such people will react violently to any thing that might destroy their perception of authority on a given issue or subject. Note: By violent I do not mean just physical violence. Their violence can be emotional, intellectual, verbal, and so on. Pointing out neglected aspects or other logical or grammatical flaws in their argument to them will only increase their violence. Your only hope is to get them to think that they came to the realization of their errors on their own.

 Note: This is not from a formal list of fallacies. This is from my personal list of sub groupings of traditional fallacies.

 First published on Bubblews November 6 2014

Are You Participating in The Revolution or Are You Helping to Maintain Cultural Homeostasis?

I see all these people on the different social network sites, I belong to, passing along memes, links, quotes, and other things that are calling for changes. At least on a surface level these things folks are passing along seem as such. People it seems are dissatisfied with current governmental, religious, and financial models. They are looking for answers and plans to create something new and better. Unfortunately the general lack of clear thinking (the new name for critical thinking since the word critical has been demonized), poor understanding of history, and inability or unwillingness to verify the information presented to them has most of these well meaning people not being a part of a revolutionary force in the world. They are instead being duped into maintaining a homeostasis for the power elite.

I do not blame these folks for trying to affect changes by their actions because I understand the intense amount of social conditioning that we are all under. The majority of people in the world basically want the same thing however they are divided by imaginary lines that have been created to control them that are based upon their personality types. Massive amounts of money have been put into the research to find what these personality types are and how to control them. Such groups as The Tavistock Institutes's and The Social Research Institutes's research and findings are cited as proof of these claims. You will be able to find plenty of information on this research easily if you so choose.
If you do choose to look into the research of such groups it should become more apparent to you why and how you are actually help to maintain control of the very institution you have thought you were fighting against. Be you a Liberal or Conservative, a Libertarian or a Green Activist, and so on you can bet your life on the fact that all of these ideological groups have been compromised by those seeking to either profit from them or usurp their leadership for use for their own political, religious, or financial purposes.
How can you avoid falling into this trap?
Simple have as you goal to always look for the truth even if it means admitting that you have been wrong in the past. Check facts ceaselessly on information you acquire. Remember knowledge in only power if it is the correct knowledge. Become your own saviour. Destroy your heroes. Remember if it hurts you it most likely hurts the collective. So don't fall for collectivist dogmas that actually help someone else's hidden agenda instead of you or the collective. Be polite while protecting yourself in your dealings with others. No reason to be a jerk until a person or group shows they do not deserve respect.

End Weaponized Usury

Today I was thinking about this whole Ebola situation and the plight of Third World Nations in general. Some suggest the Ebola is a way of culling the population of the world and getting rid of certain populations of regions that hold mineral resources that the elite wish to get their hands on. The thing is this is a more direct route at freeing up these regions if it is what has actually been going on for some time now. That being what appears to be weaponized usury by such organizations as The International Monetary Fund, aka IMF.
What might be a more plausible scenario is the use of strife to create needs to borrow money from such places as the IMF or International Monetary Fund. Although some folks think this is organization that seeks to help out developing nations it is not. The IMF loans money to countries and they have to pay it back. It is not an International Welfare system for countries by any sense of the word. The IMF makes money by a sophisticated system of usury that binds up countries and whole regions of the world in debt slavery to them. In fact a quick death by Ebola might be more humane than the extended descent into perpetual poverty that The IMF creates. It is time that we call for an end to The IMF and an end to their weaponized usury

I am including a link here to the song that addressed the issue of The IMF quite nicely called Call It Democracy by Bruce Cockburn

Occupy Yourself is back and on Blogger

I am trying to resurrect my Occupy Yourself website which was shut down last year due to my server being overload to the point where my account with the hosting company was canceled. I believe this was done because others wished to use the name Occupy Yourself themselves for a Cultural Marxist organization on the West Coast of The United States. Since I already had the name on Facebook, Twitter, and other places and was using it to promote personal independence, freedom for all without any hidden agendas or people having to believe in a leftist agenda I believe that my site was attacked to create problems for me.

I am back and I will not relent the name "Occupy-Yourself" to anyone. I came up with the term Occupy Yourself first to counter the Occupy movement which I could see was nothing but a Cultural Marxist tool of the elite to crush a growing sentiment of distrust for governments, banking institutions, and the like. I could see that The Occupy Movement was not legit. I made many postings on social media saying that people should Occupy Themselves using the term "Occupy Yourself" in these posts and articles. No one else was using this term at the time, only me. Now the Cultural Marxists have tried to usurp this term for their own agenda.

I have now decided to blog using Blogger as it is free. Hopefully I can get the proper site up again, yet I still believe that I will use Blogger as my main posting system in any event.

This blog will be about truly Occupying Yourself. About personal freedom on all levels and how to get out of the control grid.

This blog will not ask you to join a group that has a set of beliefs prepackaged. That is not what occupying yourself is about.

What you will learn here is how to free your mind of control,
how to think rather than what to think. how to because self sufficient in food, energy, economics, etc
That is what has been kept for you because some Cultural Marxists liked a term I came up with and decided to destroy my website by overloading it.